Wednesday 23 October 2019

P1 - Music Video Pitch

This is our pitch for the music video to 'Claws' by Plicketts Mahoo.

By me
We've decided that, in our resulting video, we'd like our main focus to be a person wearing an animal mask. This represents a separation from reality and the solitude that the lyrics imply. There is finality and certainty in lines such as, "they'll betray you" and, "they'll find your weakness".
We chose a rabbit because, in common culture, they represent innocence and curiosity. There is generally always a link that can be made to Alice in Wonderland when white rabbits are involved. It can be taken to represent a transition from a known place to somewhere bizarre and uncomfortable.
Another thing that would be interesting to explore would be symbolism relating to death - perhaps the transition between the living and the dead. My initial idea for the Rabbit character was a theoretical being, existing in limbo between the two states. The lyrics do mention rebirth, which is interesting to consider on the topic of life and death. Whether this is obvious or just something left up to interpretation, they will definitely be curious about human culture and nature.

By Hazel
In our pitch, we referenced our tone and the colours that we wished to portray within the video but I am going to explain it a little more explicitly and thoroughly. Our video fits firmly into the indie/rock genres specifically, which are contrasting within their colour schemes. Indie tends to be more vibrant and full of colour, focusing on nature and greens to be the main colour motifs. Rock, however, is rather dull in vibrant colours, making the stylistic decision to focus on the monochromatic side. To balance these in our video, we are aiming to stick to a quite bleak colour scheme, only choosing out one or two distinct colours to have as motifs through our video. We are going to use these colours to mostly show the colours of flowers as they are quite striking and also suggest connotations of innocence and vulnerability which our rabbit character will be shown as. This would appeal to our target audience because it won't look boring or uninteresting, it will have a flair and own iconography which will set this video out from the rest as videos in this genre tend not to focus on one striking colour on its own. In my opinion, this might attract a strong audience who like the style of the video as it is memorable. There are many films where just colours and objects alone will remind you of that film such as the red balloon in 'It'. With our curious rabbit character and the bold colours, it is sure to make it different and hopefully create a loyal fanbase who love the music and style as much as we do.

By Natasha
Our song starts with organ sounds so we have decided to start with footage of a church yard. Then the lyrics start  and we show the artist lip-syncing when the word whisper is sung. We then show  the character walking through a graveyard which links to the lyrics of I am reborn.  When the lyrics A new dawn is sung we will shoot footage of sunrises and the character looking at them. There is more instrumental afterwards where the character will be walking around and looking into cameras. Then, the character picks flowers and petals off the flowers. We then cut to people telling secrets which links to the lyrics bare your soul. We will then have a shot of someone dropping something such as a stone. We will then have the character looking surprised or startled by something out of shot or people arguing. Our music video is mostly concept with a little performance and our concept is mainly linked metaphorically to the lyrics.

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