Monday 9 September 2019

New Beginnings

Welcome to my A-Level media blog! My name is Ellie and I have an overwhelming passion for visual media, hopefully a compelling reason for the creation of this blog. I am excited to embark on this journey and grow as both an artist and a creator.

Ever since I chose my GCSE subjects a few years ago, I have constantly regretted my decision not to take media. It was a mistake that I'm glad to have righted this year and I'm ready to dig into this course and the subject I should have taken.
'Media' is a term that covers a vast amount of content, from films to art to the news - it surrounds us on a daily basis. Whilst this can be overwhelming, I think it's absolutely fascinating. Media is incredibly hard to avoid and so it's a promising field to study in. I have an interest in design: in particular, the framing and aesthetics of certain shots in videos and films, as well as general illustrative and graphic design. As I mention in my About Me section, the way in which stories can be told through visuals and symbolism is really my favourite thing in Media as a whole. I am an aspiring illustrator at the moment, which transfers nicely into design. That's why I love videos with dynamic shots and thoughtful framing - one director that never ceases to interest me is Edgar Wright.

I love the way he is able to create interest in each of his films in a compelling and unique way through the use of differing shot types and fun visuals. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is a film that surprised me when I watched it simply by how different it was. It really popped against other films I had seen and I still remember it today. I think that Edgar Wright inspires me to think about things in abstract ways and strive to create my own media dripping with individuality rather than taking easy routes. Even in his use of tropes (for instance, in Hot Fuzz), Wright brings interest to each of his characters to really let them shine and his storytelling through the use of visual media is incredibly compelling.

During this course, I hope to gain a clearer grasp of my own individual style in terms of creating media. I would love to experiment with different areas and find what really makes me tick. I hope you will enjoy watching me grow, not only as a creator but as a consumer of media. Perhaps I'll find a career path that looks interesting and fulfilling - I'm excited to find out.

For our first official project, we've been told that we'll be making music videos. I only very recently started paying attention to music videos but doing so has made me realise just how much goes into them. I have a new appreciation that I'm looking forward to exploring. Below I have linked a music video that I find to be very beautiful - the visuals are stunning and thought-provoking.

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